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What Did Jesus Do? 4
Matthew 12

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Bible Study

What Did Jesus Do? 4

Matthew 12

For each passage we'll note who Jesus encountered, whether he initiated the contact, what type of interaction he had with them, whether He took direct action to meet human needs (see Matthew 25:35-36 for examples), whether His "do-ing" was miraculous, and any commands He gave.

Jesus encounters opposition in these passages. Does He respond with anger, or hatred, or threats? Much of His time is spent teaching. Is He teaching hatred and intolerance?

│  Passage  │  Persons  │ Initiate? │   Type   │ Direct? │ Miraculo │ Commands │
│           │           │           │          │         │   us?    │          │
│ Matthew   │ Pharisees │ N         │ Rebuke,  │ N       │ N        │ none     │
│ 12:1-8    │           │           │ teaching │         │          │          │
│ Matthew   │ Pharisees │ N         │ Teaching │ N       │ N        │ none     │
│ 12:9-12   │           │           │          │         │          │          │
│ Matthew   │ crippled  │           │          │         │          │ Stretch  │
│ 12:13     │ man       │ Y         │ Healing  │ Y       │ Y        │ out your │
│           │           │           │          │         │          │ hand     │
│ Matthew   │           │           │          │         │          │ Don't    │
│ 12:14-21  │ crowds    │ Y         │ Healing  │ Y       │ Y        │ speak of │
│           │           │           │          │         │          │ this     │
│ Matthew   │ demoniac  │ N         │ Healing  │ Y       │ Y        │ none     │
│ 12:22-23  │           │           │          │         │          │          │
│ Matthew   │ Pharisees │ N         │ Teaching │ Y       │ N        │ none     │
│ 12:24-37  │           │           │ , rebuke │         │          │          │
│ Matthew   │ scribes,  │ N         │ Teaching │ N       │ N        │ none     │
│ 12:38-45  │ Pharisees │           │ , rebuke │         │          │          │
│ Matthew   │ crowds    │ N         │ Teaching │ N       │ N        │ none     │
│ 12:46-50  │           │           │          │         │          │          │

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